I work closely with WRAP colleagues to develop and deliver bespoke communication solutions for specific projects and programmes. Examples of these include:
Providing operational and communications support to WRAP Cymru in delivering the Welsh Government's Collaborative Change programme, which will help ensure that Wales meets the challenging recycling targets set out in Towards Zero Waste and Municipal Sector Plan.
Working with the Waste and Resource Management team to develop and implement a range of communication approaches to:
Support the 'Urban Recycling Trials' which piloted the use of new operational interventions for residents living in flats in purpose built blocks.
Reviewing local authorities’ communications and analysing research on how best to communicate ‘Restricted Residual’ collections to householders.
Providing direct communications support to local authorities to increase recycling rates and reduce contamination.
“Thanks for the great support and conscientious approach you took to make the project work. ”