Working with the Ministry of Rural Affairs in Saudi Arabia to review existing waste management services and communications to develop an outline public engagement and awareness strategy for the Kingdom to support source separation of recycling and waste in households including:
Visits to Saudi Arabia to meet with the Ministry, Municipalities and stakeholders.
The development of international case studies on good practice in waste management.
Review of existing communication campaigns, source separation trials and future expansion plans.
Ongoing engagement with stakeholders including the public, householders, commercial, institutional and industrial waste producers, as well as producers and manufacturers who must be educated about their responsibilities and potential contributions to waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
Work with the Ministry to develop a multi stakeholder workshop and Municipality training to finalise the strategic approach for public engagement and communications.
“To ‘Improve the Urban Landscape in Saudi Cities’ to provide a sustainable healthy environment through the treatment of visual eyesores, development of municipal control, waste management, environmental sanitation, and promotion of community participation. ”